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25 Mar 2022

But I totally understand why it might feel difficult to actually write down that first word. As I said in the intro, there are no rules when it comes to journaling. Keep a log of all your daily meals to ensure a balanced nature diet.

personal journal entry example

Now, have the students in your classroom grab their notebook and pens and get to journaling now. Record your dreams on a regular basis and keep track of the dream’s themes and patterns. A bible journal is one that holds your thoughts and reflections after a religion class. There are many types of journal and you can choose one that fits your needs. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what success really means to me. I used to think it was all about money and status, but now I’m not so sure.

Example Bullet Journal Entry

I think success is more about finding happiness and fulfillment in what you do, and making a positive impact on the world. That’s what I want for myself, and that’s what I want to focus on moving forward. In the afternoon, I went to a museum and it was so interesting. I took a few photos of some of my favorite exhibits, including one of the newer installations of digital artwork. After the ultrasound, we met with my doctor who went over the results with us.

  • A daily journal is a type of journaling that involves writing in a journal every day.
  • This is how I find fulfillment for my life’s journey and I hope to inspire an infinite amount of people in their own self discoveries.
  • For example, I wrote myself a journal entry that I had to read on October 11, 2015.
  • In the end, this should enable you to better understand specific topics you are studying.
  • It’s funny how I always think I have nothing to say but once I play with the start of ideas, it all starts to come down like rain.

You can write them down in a notebook or journal, or use a gratitude app on your phone. Some people prefer to do their gratitude journaling first thing in the morning, while others find it helpful to do it at the end of the day. The most important thing is to make it a regular practice, and to focus on the positive aspects of your life. Though there are all sorts of journal writing examples and activities we love, guided journal prompts will always be our favorite! Use this list of writing prompts for students of all ages to kick-start your students’ creativity.

thoughts on “7 Things to Write in Your Journal (For Positivity and Growth)”

Today was a beautiful day and I wanted to capture some of my memories from it. I started the day by taking a walk in the park and it was so peaceful. The water was so still and it was the perfect place to sit and reflect.

  • Establish a regular time as you build your journaling habit, whether it’s daily, weekly, or on a different schedule that works for you.
  • So I decided to call them and they decided to go with another individual for the job.
  • But taking time each day to reflect on the things I am grateful for helps me keep things in perspective.
  • I took two self-assessments based on I’m vulnerable am I to stress and Stressful events in my life.

It was times I dealt with and other times I didn’t do so well with it. I didn’t stress about being jobless at the beginning because I was fine financially and if I could not discover anything I might constantly reapply to my previous employer in 2 months. While you can write in whatever form and style you please, it’s important to write regular entries, even if a moment of inspiration doesn’t arise.

Example Pregnancy Journal Entry

It reminds me that even on a difficult day, there are still many things to be thankful for. Today was a beautiful day, the sun was shining, and there was a light breeze. I went for a walk in the park and felt so grateful for the warm weather and all the beautiful sights and sounds around me. Today was a really eventful day, and I wanted to capture some of my thoughts and feelings on camera. I got stuck in heavy traffic on my way to work, and ended up arriving late.

  • I want to share with you a couple of my recent reflective journal entries.
  • Just ask yourself what you are thankful for, and write it down.
  • This will make the journal more valuable to you personally, as it will shed light on how you’ve grown.
  • A reflective journal (aka a reflective diary) is the perfect place to jot down some of life’s biggest thoughts.
  • Personal journaling can also be used as a creative outlet to express thoughts and ideas in a private and safe space.

Burnout came about in my life when I was working full-time and going to school full-time for two years straight. So I decided to make adjustments in life and made an unpopular decision by quitting my job and focus on school. A journal is a personal place where you can express and jot down your thoughts, feelings of joy and anger, hope and despair, excitement and depression, love and sadness. The best and the most valuable journals are active dialogues with self.

Tap to See Prompts

Capturing life and memories is an important aspect of journaling. A journal can serve as a time capsule of your experiences and memories, providing a record of your life that you can look back on in the future. The length of a personal journal entry can vary greatly, depending on your writing style and the purpose of your journal. Some people prefer to write just a few sentences or bullet points, while others may write several pages. A nature journal is a type of journal used to record observations and experiences related to the natural world.

10% may not seem like much, and I somewhat agree, as a 10% increase won’t fix all the problems in your life. However, the main benefit here is that you can “be grateful” whenever you set your mind to it. Practicing gratitude has been linked to a direct increase in happiness of 10%, as found by studies. We’ve covered those in this article about the powerful relationship between gratitude and happiness.

But by looking at different journaling examples, you can get a sense of the possibilities and find what resonates with you. Environmental Factors whether its big or small produces stress. Life events and daily hassles are things we deal with regularly. One of them is the lack of study-time I had when I first started college a couple of years ago. That came about by me working crazy hours at work and I couldn’t my full effect into my school work which led to me not doing so well. Another daily hassle I’ve dealt with was not getting enough credit on my job for my hard work.

What are the 5 types of journal entries?

  • Opening entries. These entries carry over the ending balance from the previous accounting period as the beginning balance for the current accounting period.
  • Transfer entries.
  • Closing entries.
  • Adjusting entries.
  • Compound entries.
  • Reversing entries.

The worst thing you can do to a creative flow is to start inputting criticism before your thought is complete. Who cares if you didn’t phrase that exactly how you should have or you didn’t spell that word right? For example, I wrote myself a journal entry that I had to read on October 11, 2015. This one is called future self journaling, and it means writing a letter to your future self.

Reflective Journal Example

We had a great time catching up and I took a few photos of our food. We both love sushi, so we ordered a variety of rolls and they all looked so delicious. But taking time each day to reflect on the things I am grateful for helps me keep things in perspective.

A nature journal can include written descriptions, sketches, photographs, and other forms of artistic expression. As I continued to breathe, I noticed a sense of relaxation spreading throughout my body. I felt more grounded and centered, and I found that I was able to approach the rest of my work day with greater focus and clarity. I am grateful for this moment of mindfulness, and I look forward to incorporating more of it into my daily routine. Creative journaling can be a way to tap into your inner creativity and intuition, and can be especially helpful for people who struggle with traditional journaling formats.



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